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Número Anuncio: 7563920
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 29-05-2013
Categoría:  Audio/Video > Sonido > Otros
The Canon EOS 5D Mark III is a black, body-only, 22.3 MP digital SLR camera with a full-frame CMOS sensor. The Canon digital SLR camera delivers quality pictures no matter what the lighting conditions, thanks to an ISO sensitivity range of 100 – 25,600 standard or 50 – 102,800 expanded. Moreover, the Canon digital SLR camera features high-speed 6-fps continuous shooting and records up to 16,270 continuous JPEG images to a UDMA mode 7 card in a single burst. With the 22.3 MP digital SLR camera, the user is able to enjoy full HD video at 1080p resolution and stereo sound via external mic. Furthermore, the Canon EOS 5D Mark III includes in-camera editing functions such as black-and-white conversion and retrospective white balance. Additional specifications of the Canon digital SLR camera include dual card slots for CF and SD, 100 percent viewfinder coverage, and weather sealing to offer protection against dust and moisture. Email Us At : emobiletelecomes@gmail.com Email us At worldinsturments@hotmail.com skype : tom.willams3 Contact Name : Tom Willams Company Name : EMOBILETELECONS LIMITED

 The Canon EOS 5D Mark III is a black bodyo - Imagen 1

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