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Número Anuncio: 10807711
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 15-03-2015
Categoría:  Hogar > otros
Leather Treasure Shop is an online based company, with warehouses in Spain and USA, which supplies genuine leather hides, full skins, furs, leather scraps and pieces, supplies and accessories worldwide. All of our leather and fur hides are top quality; hand selected and sold on our Spanish or USA websites. We use these same leather and fur skins in the making of garments and accessories in our Spanish boutiques and can proudly say we offer the same quality to our online customers. We offer each of our customers, small or big, a personalized service and a guarantee of excellence and singularity which can only be found in our fur skins and hides.

Leather Treasure Shop is an online based comp - Imagen 1 Leather Treasure Shop is an online based comp - Imagen 2 Leather Treasure Shop is an online based comp - Imagen 3

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