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Número Anuncio: 12454207
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 10-07-2023
Categoría:  Inmuebles > Compra/Venta
There are no words to fully describe the beauty and superb quality of this Estate home. No money was spared in the architecture, construction and overall quality of this home. It is truly One-of-a-kind! Located in the historical city of Quito, Ecuador, in the highly sought after neighborhood of Cumbaya. The estate's main home has five luxurious bedrooms with private bath. This is a smart home designed with full security throughout. The entire home has imported Italian marble floors, a large Onyx stone bar that lights up to create a warm glow. All imported, custom furniture from Lebanon, Italy & Colombia are included. The kitchen is any chefs dream w/ Sub Zero and Wolf brand appliances. Large gardens, pool & fountains. Guest house w/kitchen, Chapel & maids quarters. Must see to appreciate.

There are no words to fully describe the beau - Imagen 1 There are no words to fully describe the beau - Imagen 2 There are no words to fully describe the beau - Imagen 3

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